What now?

We'll take some basic details over the phone and arrange an initial assessment appointment to discuss your current needs further and how we may be able to support you.

We can also provide you with the time and space to identify any additional issues that may be contributing to your current situation.

By becoming clearer and better informed, clients have reported feeling more motivated, resourced, resilient and consequently, better able to manage their lives. 

Who will I talk to?

After our initial meeting, if you are suitable for our service, you will be allocated a therapist. These weekly sessions are arranged on the same day at the same time with the same therapist. You must be able to commit to attending counselling weekly. 

How many sessions will I have?

Counselling is initially for six weekly sessions, and kept under review. If appropriate, counselling may be extended with regular reviews between you and your therapist.

If you are coming for an assessment and/or counselling for substance misuse you must be free of alcohol and/or drugs on the day of our appointment.

Our approach

Our approach to therapy is holistic which, based on our numerous years of experience, leads to improved long term outcomes. Therapy works towards addressing the root of your problem.

Additional issues often addressed by clients include:

  • Abuse
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Depression
  • Disordered eating/relationship with food
  • Loneliness
  • Loss and grief
  • Low self esteem
  • Relationship/family difficulties
  • Stress
  • Work-related issues


Why not give us ring?    020 8940 1160

"The day I walked up the stairs for an assessment at ASCA I knew I was doing the right thing. I was quickly placed with my counsellor and after 6 months of therapy I am drug free and feel so much better in myself.

"For years I had thought I drank to help with my depression but now realise the depression was caused by the drink. I have to work at life now but it's much easier and I have a clear head."

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We have small, dedicated team at Asca including our CEO, Counselling Services Manager, Operations Manager and Carers Group Therapist.

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