How can I donate?

We are a small local independent community organisation based in the borough of Richmond, with almost 30 years of experience in a range of mental health issues, including the carers/family members, through providing confidential support services. You do not have to live or work in Richmond to access our support.

We do not charge for our services, however, an appropriate weekly donation ensures people have access to our service whatever their financial circumstances, while at the same time help support a local service. 

We can make your donations go even further through the Government's Gift Aid Scheme. For every £1 you donate we get back another 25p.   

Every donation and every gift makes a huge difference to the services we can provide. All contributions are warmly welcomed and appreciated.

Our flexible and confidential services (counselling and groups) are unique. We can only provide our services because we are independent and do not rely any government funding. We rely on the generosity of volunteers who donate their time, grants from local trusts and charities and donations. This income helps us to make the people we support every year to make positive changes in their lives. With your help we can continue to provide a local service to people in Richmond and surrounding areas.

If you would like to donate please contact the office 

You can also support us by arranging a fundraising event on behalf of us, participate in fundraising events or leave a gift in your will. For every £1 you donate we get back another 25p.   


I would recommend this service to anyone who thinks they might have a problem and are seeking to take the first step  - anon

 The only place in Kingston I could find affordable counselling that I can attend on a long term basis - anon

6 months ago I didn’t have a future, things are brighter now - anon


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We accept counselling volunteers throughout the year. Find you what you need to do to apply ...

We work with partners, on a local and national level to provide the highest level of support.

We have small, dedicated team at Asca including our CEO, Counselling Services Manager, Operations Manager and Carers Group Therapist.

Client quote
Client quote
Client quote